Civ 6 Deals

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Civilization's Science victories have become the most popular of any, likely because of, firstly, the frightfully compulsive feeling gained from progressing along that tech tree, and also the wonderfully predictive nature of those last few steps towards the looming world of Future Tech.


In Civilization 6, the Scientific victory functions in largely the same way as before. You must still get to almost the end of the Technology tree, and still assemble multiple components for space travel, albeit with the caveat that, this time, your final destination is the colonisation of Mars. Google line.

Civ 6 Deals

Before diving in here though, be sure to have read up on our dedicated guides to general Civilization 6 tips and tricks in our guide hub, a detailed look at Districts and the most optimal District placements, a walkthrough of Civ 6 Leader profiles and agendas, our early, mid, and late game Civ 6 strategies, and our guide for earning and spending gold.

Sid Meier's Civilization VI Sid Meier's Civilization VI, winner of 15 E3 awards including Best PC Game and Best Strategy Game, is the next entry in the popular Civilization franchise, which has sold in over 34 million units worldwide, including more than 8 million units of Civilization V. Civilization VI offers new ways to interact with your world, expand your empire across the map, advance your culture, and compete against history's greatest leaders to build a civilization that will stand the test of time. Play as one of 20 historical leaders including Roosevelt (America) and Victoria (England).

A quick note: we've refreshed out Civ 6 guides for the game's launch on Nintendo Switch, but just be aware that they contain information regarding the Rise and Fall DLC as well as the base game, which means some things only apply if you have that DLC! Otherwise.. crack on!


Scientific Victory conditions

Civ 6 Sale

The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 explicitly makes this factor a cap for a fee award in actions to which it applies. §§77z–1(a)(6); 78u–4(a)(6) (fee award should not exceed a 'reasonable percentage of the amount of any damages and prejudgment interest actually paid to the class'). Lions and tigers and mushrooms, oh my! While there are many resources in.

Assuming you've already perused our Religious Victory and Military Domination Victory guides - fail to prepare and prepare to fail, and all that - it's time to delve into the specifcs of Science. The Scientific victory is split into three components - although each of those actually requires multiple steps to compete themselves. The key three milestones that must be accomplished are:

  • Launch a satellite.
  • Land a human on the Moon.
  • Establish a Martian Colony.

To launch a satellite, you must first:

  1. Research Rocketry on the Technology Tree, which in turn allows you to…
  2. Build a Spaceport district in your cities.
  3. With the Spaceport built, you can then construct a Satellite project from the Production menu in any city with that district.

To land a human on the Moon, you must first:

  1. Research Satellites on the Technology Tree, which in turn allows you to…
  2. Begin a Launch Moon Landing project from any city with a Spaceport.

To establish a Martian Colony, you must first:

  1. Research Nuclear Fusion on the Technology Tree, which in turn allows you to…
  2. Begin the Launch Mars Reactor project from any city with a Spaceport.
  3. Research Robotics on the Technology Tree, which in turn allows you to…
  4. Begin the Launch Mars Habitation project from any city with a Spaceport.
  5. Research Nanotechnology on the Technology Tree, which in turn allows you to…
  6. Begin the Launch Mars Hydroponics project from any city with a Spaceport.

As you can probably see, achieving a Scientific victory is actually harder than it sounds, particularly because you're required to not only amass a huge amount of Science to get to the end of the tech tree, but also because you'll need to shift that Science focus into Production once it comes to completing Space Race projects. You can track your progress towards a Science Victory from the Science tab on the World Rankings menu, whilst we've also gathered up every method for how to earn Science in Civ 6 in our dedicated Science explainer, too, as an accompaniment to this victory guide.

'If they could shape entire planets or galaxies..' Eddm pricing.

If your lust for Civilization 6 knowledge is still going strong, expansion owners should take a look at our Civ 6 Rise and Fall guide hub which takes you through the basics of everything new, whilst we have dedicated pages on Governors and Loyalty, along with how to earn Golden Ages, Era Points and Era Score through Historic Moments, and a full list of new Civs in Civ 6 Rise and Fall and other DLC. Otherwise, our Civilization 6 guide, tips and tricks covers the essentials before you master early game, mid-game and late-game strategies. We also have tips on the new Districts feature, a Leaders list with their Traits and Agendas, plus the best ways to get Gold, Science, and Faith, how to win by Religious Victory, and how to earn the elusive Science Victory and Military domination victory. Finally, here's the Culture Victory, Foreign Tourism, and Domestic Tourism explained in depth.

How to win the Space Race - the best way to earn a Science Victory

Civ 6 Deals Explained

As any Civ player will tell you, there just simply isn't one way to win the game by any victory type. Instead, winning a Science Victory is about adapting to the world around you, with all its complexities of diplomacy, war, religion, and natural resources.

There are, however, some defining principles which will generally hold true at all times:

'If they could shape entire planets or galaxies..'

  • When placing Districts, prioritise your Campuses above all others - aside from perhaps your Industrial Zone, which will help with constructing projects for the Space Race - and think about not only the Campus but positioning for Scientific Wonders, too. You'll want some land next to a Campus for Oxford University, for example, but you should also be keeping an eye out for mountain ranges and jungle tiles that you can use to your advantage, too. We've explained the surprisingly deep complexities of Distric placement in our dedicated guide to District placement, if you want more detail.
  • Don't neglect your other resources like Culture and Religion - whilst you can, and must, specialise for the best chance at victory, you'll also suffer greatly without advancing down your Civics tree, for instance, at a decent rate. The Great Library, for example, is a Scientific Wonder locked away behind Civic progression, whilst Religious Beliefs like Wat allow you to construct the Science-generating Wats by spending Faith, which could be the difference.
  • Aim for at least one Scientific Wonder- Two is probably too much, and extremely hard to achieve, when one is locked away in the Technology Tree (Oxford University) and two (Oracle and Great Library) in the Civics tree. You'll be very fortunate to have the strength of both Culture and Science incomes to be racing down both of those trees ahead of all other Civlizations, and likewise you won't be so far behind without all Wonders to be unable to win the game. Your priority, really, is stopping another Civlization from obtaining two or more of the three, so pick one and rush to it first.
  • Watch your Housing and Amenities like a hawk - They might seem minor, but actually both your Housing and Amenities play a huge part in your success. With a Housing deficiency, your cities will slow, and eventually cease, their growth, which you can't afford to lose at almost +1 Science per citizen. Likewise, your population's happiness is measured by Amenities in Civ 6, and that happiness dictates the bonuses or restrictions to non-Food yields (like Science) in each city. Try to hit that happiness bonus as often as possible.
  • When you've researched the necessary techs, put everthing into Production - Unless you need to win via Score Victory, or acquire some essential Nuclear technology, there's no point at all in amassing Science after unlocking the techs required for Space Race projects. Instead, put every city you have onto a production focus, choose Trade Routes with the highest Production yield possible, chop down any forest tiles you have left, and rush those projects to completion. For us, even with a full tech tree unlocked, those projects generally took more than 20 turns each, so anything you can shave off that could end up making the difference.
  • Don't be afraid to go Nuclear - Aside from being maniacally enjoyable to watch, Nuclear weapons can win you a Science Victory with surpising efficiency. Keep an eye on the Victory progress menu, and scout your nearest oppoents' land for Spaceports and, less importantly, Industrial Zones. If you can hit more than one with a 'nuke, you'll significantly slow their progress in the Space Race. Just be prepared for a bit of a diplomatic slap on the wrist..

Money makes the world go round, this we know. However, it also makes life in Civilization 6 a great deal easier and a lot more interesting.

So, whether you're looking to get rich quick or dig yourself out of a financial hole, take a look at our top tips for getting Civilization 6 gold and making it work for you.

If you're looking for more resource-focused Civ 6 guides, meanwhile, we also have pages on how to earn Science, how to earn Faith, and how to earn Culture and Tourism in Civ 6, too.

Dropbox s3. A quick note: we've refreshed out Civ 6 guides for the game's launch on Nintendo Switch, but just be aware that they contain information regarding the Rise and Fall DLC as well as the base game, which means some things only apply if you have that DLC! Otherwise.. crack on!

How to get gold in Civilzation 6

Gold gives you a lot of options in Civilzation 6, so it's only fitting that there are an awful lot ways to earn it right from the get go.

  • Honest toil: The ground is filled with gold. Sort of. Many of the tiles in your territory will yield gold when worked so to find out which are the most profitable you can opt to Show Yield Icons, from the map options menu located above the mini-map. As a rule of thumb, coastal tiles give out gold, with additional earned from resources such as fish, crabs and whales. On land, luxury resources such as truffles, cotton and, of course, diamonds can be prioritised to earn gold.
  • Make your citizens work for you: For each unit of population in your cities, one tile surrounding that city will be worked. Typically, your population does a decent job of choosing the tiles it should be working on but if you find yourself strapped for cash or want to prioritise wealth generation above all else, you can force your population to work specific tiles. To do so, click on a city and then the Manage Citizens icon from the city menu that appears in the bottom right of the screen. From here, you can reallocate citizens to work on the tiles that offer the highest gold yield, if they aren't already. Be aware that this will likely have a knock on effect in reducing the yield of other resources, such as food, science or production. Also, the citizens that you allocate in this way will be locked to these tiles until you tell them otherwise.
  • Trade routes: Pretty simple this one. Researching the early Foreign Trade civic will grant your civilization a trade route and then building a trader in a city will allow that trade route to be worked. Send your trader out to a nearby city-state or rival civilization and reap the benefits. As an additional bonus, any cities of your own that the trade route passes through en route to its destination will gain a trading post that will boost income and serve to increase the active range of your future trade routes.
  • Plunder barbarian outposts: In addition to be a nuisance, barbarians are a good source of gold farming. Clearing a barbarian encampment will offer a handful of gold and may also curry favour with a local city-state or leader making them more likely to trade with you. It's win/win (except for the barbarians, but it's either them or you, right?).
  • Fire sale your assets: While bonus resources, such as fish and deer, provide non-tradeable goods that boost to your gold reserves the big trade money is earned through luxury goods like whales, spices and dyes. Luxury resources provide happiness boosts to your empire but these bonuses do not stack for multiple goods of the same type. If you've got so much incense it's coming out of your ears, keep one and trade the rest off for cold hard cash to rival leaders. You might be surprised by how much some of them will be willing to pay to earn the happiness boost they provide, with the extra income being provided either as a lump sum or on a gold per turn basis.
  • Make smart research choices: If you want to maximise your gold income, take a moment to search out the civics and technologies that boost your yield and be aware of the secondary benefits of some of the less obvious research choices. As well as standout picks such as the Foreign Trade and Guilds civics, and the Currency and Banking technologies, there are many research options that offer less well-advertised bonuses to your gold income. This is particularly true of early-game technologies such as Animal Husbandry and Irrigation, which allow a great many luxury and bonus resources to be worked, as well as civics like Medieval Faires and The Enlightenment. This last provides a tremendous economic policy that can be slotted into your chosen government type to provide a 100 per cent boost to the gold yield from buildings in the Commercial Hub district.

How best to spend gold in Civilzation 6

Easier than earning gold, is spending it. Standing costs such as unit and building maintenance are a constant drain on your finances, so beware having too many idle units sapping your gold resources. Outside of that, gold can be proactively spent in any number of ways in Civilization 6 to bring about any number of favourable results for your empire. Most of these include getting what you want, faster. Others can dig you out of a hole. The most effective of these strategies include:

  • Purchasing tiles: Maybe you have a builder cooling his heels waiting for that resource to fall within your city boundaries so he can rush out and nab it. Maybe you're just a completionist who really wants to join one city's territory to another to form an unbroken boundary line. Whatever the case, purchasing tiles will achieve these goals. If you're likely to be doing this often, consider the Early Empire civic in order to reduce tile purchasing costs by 20 per cent.
  • Purchasing units: Whether for rapid expansion or to fill the gaps in your military left by focusing on scientific endeavours and building world wonders, purchasing units is a quick and easy (but expensive) way to gain a fighting force. This is particularly useful when you need to get a unit quick in order to defend an unguarded city from encroaching barbarian threat. You can also consider the Mercenaries civic to provide a hefty discount to the cost of upgrading your units through cold, hard cash. Alternatively, if you have the majority influence over a city-state you can levy its military units by paying gold to take control of them for 30 turns; useful in a pinch. Or a war.
  • Purchasing buildings: By now, you're beginning to sense a theme. The construction of most buildings can be rushed using gold. It's a very expensive option but works if you're feeling flush and want to finish a building to solve a problem, such as an imminent housing crisis.
  • Purchasing favour: A little different this one. Unlike in Civilization V, city-states no longer require gifts of gold to get them onside, instead preferring you to complete quests to impress them or send traders and envoys to butter them up. However, it's still possible to make rival leaders that little bit more receptive to you by proposing trade agreements that are blatantly in their favour by paying over the odds for something that you want from them. Alternatively, you can pay small amounts of gold to send a delegation to visit a rival leader or to pay to establish a fully fledged embassy in their capital, thus earning both favour and useful information from your officials there.
Civ 6 death robot

In Civilization 6, the Scientific victory functions in largely the same way as before. You must still get to almost the end of the Technology tree, and still assemble multiple components for space travel, albeit with the caveat that, this time, your final destination is the colonisation of Mars. Google line.

Before diving in here though, be sure to have read up on our dedicated guides to general Civilization 6 tips and tricks in our guide hub, a detailed look at Districts and the most optimal District placements, a walkthrough of Civ 6 Leader profiles and agendas, our early, mid, and late game Civ 6 strategies, and our guide for earning and spending gold.

Sid Meier's Civilization VI Sid Meier's Civilization VI, winner of 15 E3 awards including Best PC Game and Best Strategy Game, is the next entry in the popular Civilization franchise, which has sold in over 34 million units worldwide, including more than 8 million units of Civilization V. Civilization VI offers new ways to interact with your world, expand your empire across the map, advance your culture, and compete against history's greatest leaders to build a civilization that will stand the test of time. Play as one of 20 historical leaders including Roosevelt (America) and Victoria (England).

A quick note: we've refreshed out Civ 6 guides for the game's launch on Nintendo Switch, but just be aware that they contain information regarding the Rise and Fall DLC as well as the base game, which means some things only apply if you have that DLC! Otherwise.. crack on!

Scientific Victory conditions

Civ 6 Sale

The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 explicitly makes this factor a cap for a fee award in actions to which it applies. §§77z–1(a)(6); 78u–4(a)(6) (fee award should not exceed a 'reasonable percentage of the amount of any damages and prejudgment interest actually paid to the class'). Lions and tigers and mushrooms, oh my! While there are many resources in.

Assuming you've already perused our Religious Victory and Military Domination Victory guides - fail to prepare and prepare to fail, and all that - it's time to delve into the specifcs of Science. The Scientific victory is split into three components - although each of those actually requires multiple steps to compete themselves. The key three milestones that must be accomplished are:

  • Launch a satellite.
  • Land a human on the Moon.
  • Establish a Martian Colony.

To launch a satellite, you must first:

  1. Research Rocketry on the Technology Tree, which in turn allows you to…
  2. Build a Spaceport district in your cities.
  3. With the Spaceport built, you can then construct a Satellite project from the Production menu in any city with that district.

To land a human on the Moon, you must first:

  1. Research Satellites on the Technology Tree, which in turn allows you to…
  2. Begin a Launch Moon Landing project from any city with a Spaceport.

To establish a Martian Colony, you must first:

  1. Research Nuclear Fusion on the Technology Tree, which in turn allows you to…
  2. Begin the Launch Mars Reactor project from any city with a Spaceport.
  3. Research Robotics on the Technology Tree, which in turn allows you to…
  4. Begin the Launch Mars Habitation project from any city with a Spaceport.
  5. Research Nanotechnology on the Technology Tree, which in turn allows you to…
  6. Begin the Launch Mars Hydroponics project from any city with a Spaceport.

As you can probably see, achieving a Scientific victory is actually harder than it sounds, particularly because you're required to not only amass a huge amount of Science to get to the end of the tech tree, but also because you'll need to shift that Science focus into Production once it comes to completing Space Race projects. You can track your progress towards a Science Victory from the Science tab on the World Rankings menu, whilst we've also gathered up every method for how to earn Science in Civ 6 in our dedicated Science explainer, too, as an accompaniment to this victory guide.

'If they could shape entire planets or galaxies..' Eddm pricing.

If your lust for Civilization 6 knowledge is still going strong, expansion owners should take a look at our Civ 6 Rise and Fall guide hub which takes you through the basics of everything new, whilst we have dedicated pages on Governors and Loyalty, along with how to earn Golden Ages, Era Points and Era Score through Historic Moments, and a full list of new Civs in Civ 6 Rise and Fall and other DLC. Otherwise, our Civilization 6 guide, tips and tricks covers the essentials before you master early game, mid-game and late-game strategies. We also have tips on the new Districts feature, a Leaders list with their Traits and Agendas, plus the best ways to get Gold, Science, and Faith, how to win by Religious Victory, and how to earn the elusive Science Victory and Military domination victory. Finally, here's the Culture Victory, Foreign Tourism, and Domestic Tourism explained in depth.

How to win the Space Race - the best way to earn a Science Victory

Civ 6 Deals Explained

As any Civ player will tell you, there just simply isn't one way to win the game by any victory type. Instead, winning a Science Victory is about adapting to the world around you, with all its complexities of diplomacy, war, religion, and natural resources.

There are, however, some defining principles which will generally hold true at all times:

'If they could shape entire planets or galaxies..'

  • When placing Districts, prioritise your Campuses above all others - aside from perhaps your Industrial Zone, which will help with constructing projects for the Space Race - and think about not only the Campus but positioning for Scientific Wonders, too. You'll want some land next to a Campus for Oxford University, for example, but you should also be keeping an eye out for mountain ranges and jungle tiles that you can use to your advantage, too. We've explained the surprisingly deep complexities of Distric placement in our dedicated guide to District placement, if you want more detail.
  • Don't neglect your other resources like Culture and Religion - whilst you can, and must, specialise for the best chance at victory, you'll also suffer greatly without advancing down your Civics tree, for instance, at a decent rate. The Great Library, for example, is a Scientific Wonder locked away behind Civic progression, whilst Religious Beliefs like Wat allow you to construct the Science-generating Wats by spending Faith, which could be the difference.
  • Aim for at least one Scientific Wonder- Two is probably too much, and extremely hard to achieve, when one is locked away in the Technology Tree (Oxford University) and two (Oracle and Great Library) in the Civics tree. You'll be very fortunate to have the strength of both Culture and Science incomes to be racing down both of those trees ahead of all other Civlizations, and likewise you won't be so far behind without all Wonders to be unable to win the game. Your priority, really, is stopping another Civlization from obtaining two or more of the three, so pick one and rush to it first.
  • Watch your Housing and Amenities like a hawk - They might seem minor, but actually both your Housing and Amenities play a huge part in your success. With a Housing deficiency, your cities will slow, and eventually cease, their growth, which you can't afford to lose at almost +1 Science per citizen. Likewise, your population's happiness is measured by Amenities in Civ 6, and that happiness dictates the bonuses or restrictions to non-Food yields (like Science) in each city. Try to hit that happiness bonus as often as possible.
  • When you've researched the necessary techs, put everthing into Production - Unless you need to win via Score Victory, or acquire some essential Nuclear technology, there's no point at all in amassing Science after unlocking the techs required for Space Race projects. Instead, put every city you have onto a production focus, choose Trade Routes with the highest Production yield possible, chop down any forest tiles you have left, and rush those projects to completion. For us, even with a full tech tree unlocked, those projects generally took more than 20 turns each, so anything you can shave off that could end up making the difference.
  • Don't be afraid to go Nuclear - Aside from being maniacally enjoyable to watch, Nuclear weapons can win you a Science Victory with surpising efficiency. Keep an eye on the Victory progress menu, and scout your nearest oppoents' land for Spaceports and, less importantly, Industrial Zones. If you can hit more than one with a 'nuke, you'll significantly slow their progress in the Space Race. Just be prepared for a bit of a diplomatic slap on the wrist..

Money makes the world go round, this we know. However, it also makes life in Civilization 6 a great deal easier and a lot more interesting.

So, whether you're looking to get rich quick or dig yourself out of a financial hole, take a look at our top tips for getting Civilization 6 gold and making it work for you.

If you're looking for more resource-focused Civ 6 guides, meanwhile, we also have pages on how to earn Science, how to earn Faith, and how to earn Culture and Tourism in Civ 6, too.

Dropbox s3. A quick note: we've refreshed out Civ 6 guides for the game's launch on Nintendo Switch, but just be aware that they contain information regarding the Rise and Fall DLC as well as the base game, which means some things only apply if you have that DLC! Otherwise.. crack on!

How to get gold in Civilzation 6

Gold gives you a lot of options in Civilzation 6, so it's only fitting that there are an awful lot ways to earn it right from the get go.

  • Honest toil: The ground is filled with gold. Sort of. Many of the tiles in your territory will yield gold when worked so to find out which are the most profitable you can opt to Show Yield Icons, from the map options menu located above the mini-map. As a rule of thumb, coastal tiles give out gold, with additional earned from resources such as fish, crabs and whales. On land, luxury resources such as truffles, cotton and, of course, diamonds can be prioritised to earn gold.
  • Make your citizens work for you: For each unit of population in your cities, one tile surrounding that city will be worked. Typically, your population does a decent job of choosing the tiles it should be working on but if you find yourself strapped for cash or want to prioritise wealth generation above all else, you can force your population to work specific tiles. To do so, click on a city and then the Manage Citizens icon from the city menu that appears in the bottom right of the screen. From here, you can reallocate citizens to work on the tiles that offer the highest gold yield, if they aren't already. Be aware that this will likely have a knock on effect in reducing the yield of other resources, such as food, science or production. Also, the citizens that you allocate in this way will be locked to these tiles until you tell them otherwise.
  • Trade routes: Pretty simple this one. Researching the early Foreign Trade civic will grant your civilization a trade route and then building a trader in a city will allow that trade route to be worked. Send your trader out to a nearby city-state or rival civilization and reap the benefits. As an additional bonus, any cities of your own that the trade route passes through en route to its destination will gain a trading post that will boost income and serve to increase the active range of your future trade routes.
  • Plunder barbarian outposts: In addition to be a nuisance, barbarians are a good source of gold farming. Clearing a barbarian encampment will offer a handful of gold and may also curry favour with a local city-state or leader making them more likely to trade with you. It's win/win (except for the barbarians, but it's either them or you, right?).
  • Fire sale your assets: While bonus resources, such as fish and deer, provide non-tradeable goods that boost to your gold reserves the big trade money is earned through luxury goods like whales, spices and dyes. Luxury resources provide happiness boosts to your empire but these bonuses do not stack for multiple goods of the same type. If you've got so much incense it's coming out of your ears, keep one and trade the rest off for cold hard cash to rival leaders. You might be surprised by how much some of them will be willing to pay to earn the happiness boost they provide, with the extra income being provided either as a lump sum or on a gold per turn basis.
  • Make smart research choices: If you want to maximise your gold income, take a moment to search out the civics and technologies that boost your yield and be aware of the secondary benefits of some of the less obvious research choices. As well as standout picks such as the Foreign Trade and Guilds civics, and the Currency and Banking technologies, there are many research options that offer less well-advertised bonuses to your gold income. This is particularly true of early-game technologies such as Animal Husbandry and Irrigation, which allow a great many luxury and bonus resources to be worked, as well as civics like Medieval Faires and The Enlightenment. This last provides a tremendous economic policy that can be slotted into your chosen government type to provide a 100 per cent boost to the gold yield from buildings in the Commercial Hub district.

How best to spend gold in Civilzation 6

Easier than earning gold, is spending it. Standing costs such as unit and building maintenance are a constant drain on your finances, so beware having too many idle units sapping your gold resources. Outside of that, gold can be proactively spent in any number of ways in Civilization 6 to bring about any number of favourable results for your empire. Most of these include getting what you want, faster. Others can dig you out of a hole. The most effective of these strategies include:

  • Purchasing tiles: Maybe you have a builder cooling his heels waiting for that resource to fall within your city boundaries so he can rush out and nab it. Maybe you're just a completionist who really wants to join one city's territory to another to form an unbroken boundary line. Whatever the case, purchasing tiles will achieve these goals. If you're likely to be doing this often, consider the Early Empire civic in order to reduce tile purchasing costs by 20 per cent.
  • Purchasing units: Whether for rapid expansion or to fill the gaps in your military left by focusing on scientific endeavours and building world wonders, purchasing units is a quick and easy (but expensive) way to gain a fighting force. This is particularly useful when you need to get a unit quick in order to defend an unguarded city from encroaching barbarian threat. You can also consider the Mercenaries civic to provide a hefty discount to the cost of upgrading your units through cold, hard cash. Alternatively, if you have the majority influence over a city-state you can levy its military units by paying gold to take control of them for 30 turns; useful in a pinch. Or a war.
  • Purchasing buildings: By now, you're beginning to sense a theme. The construction of most buildings can be rushed using gold. It's a very expensive option but works if you're feeling flush and want to finish a building to solve a problem, such as an imminent housing crisis.
  • Purchasing favour: A little different this one. Unlike in Civilization V, city-states no longer require gifts of gold to get them onside, instead preferring you to complete quests to impress them or send traders and envoys to butter them up. However, it's still possible to make rival leaders that little bit more receptive to you by proposing trade agreements that are blatantly in their favour by paying over the odds for something that you want from them. Alternatively, you can pay small amounts of gold to send a delegation to visit a rival leader or to pay to establish a fully fledged embassy in their capital, thus earning both favour and useful information from your officials there.

From marketing guns to young people to selling lucrative licenses.

If your lust for Civilization 6 knowledge is still going strong, expansion owners should take a look at our Civ 6 Rise and Fall guide hub which takes you through the basics of everything new, whilst we have dedicated pages on Governors and Loyalty, along with how to earn Golden Ages, Era Points and Era Score through Historic Moments, and a full list of new Civs in Civ 6 Rise and Fall and other DLC. Otherwise, our Civilization 6 guide, tips and tricks covers the essentials before you master early game, mid-game and late-game strategies. We also have tips on the new Districts feature, a Leaders list with their Traits and Agendas, plus the best ways to get Gold, Science, and Faith, how to win by Religious Victory, and how to earn the elusive Science Victory and Military domination victory. Finally, here's the Culture Victory, Foreign Tourism, and Domestic Tourism explained in depth.

How much is too much gold in Civilzation 6?

If you're asking this question, you're clearly feeling very wealthy indeed!

There is, of course, no amount of money that should be considered too much. However, you needn't hang on to it and should instead consider spending it in any of the ways outlined above.

Be aware that hording your gold might cause some leaders to grow envious or to demand a far greater amount when trading than if you have a more modest bank balance. However, as the ever helpful Civilopedia points out, 'Money can't buy you love but it can purchase a submarine armed with nuclear missiles, and that's not bad.'

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